Thursday, December 02, 2004

Bwaah! I'm a teacher and I'm underpaid!

None of my teachers ever looked like this...uh, except in 9th grade, Miss Azer, student teacher. Wonder whatever happened to her? She'd be about 73 years old now. It should be illegal to hire teachers looking like this, and expect that 9th grade boys would be able to concentrate on schoolwork....

But I digress.

What's the deal with teachers complaining about their paychecks? Last I checked:
  • No one held a gun to their head when they chose their profession--they knew going in what the pay was. Get over it, or get a new gig!
  • They work only 9 months out of 12--they're paid for those 9 months, whereas normal humans work all 12! Do the math: ya gotta extrapolate the numbers, adding 33% of their current paycheck to get what their actual annual (12 month) salary would be in the real world!
  • They get a gagillion holidays off throughout the year.
  • The workday is from, say, 7:30am till 2pm Monday--Friday--with lunch thrown in there, too. That's a short workday by anyone's standards, boys and girls.
  • They can supplement their income two ways if needed: add extracurricular supervision i.e., become a coach or drama advisor, and take on summer or holiday jobs if they want.

Hey, I'll take that deal! So, to all you teachers moaning and groaning, I say: buff my scrotum. (Excluding the teacher in the photo. If I could get her moaning and groaning, life would be great, and this post would belong on a different kind of blog).


At 2:08 PM, Blogger changapeluda said...

you just made me want to grow up and become a teacher

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