Friday, December 03, 2004

Hey, mullahs, mull this--buff my scrotum!

Here's a sweet young Iranian thing all prepped, fresh, wrapped, and ready to go. Go where, you ask? Why, to blow up Israelis, dontcha know!

The Islamafascistas are all psyched up. Seems they held a little rally in Teheran yesterday, sponsored by the Headquarters for Commemorating Martyrs of the Global Islamic Movement. 200 volunteers fronted up, ready to "tnt their intestines" for the glory of Allah. They're targeting not only Israelis, but Americans, too.

Now, I understand sort of maybe why a young, horny Muslim guy might volunteer for this. After all, the mullahs tell them that killing infidels results in the 72 female virgins in Paradise business we've all been told of. But: I don't get why women would. Unless they're lesbian. Right?

But: hold the phone! Christoph Luxenberg is an acknowledged expert in Middle East/Near East and Semetic languages who claims (convincingly) that much of the imagery in the Koran is the work of one Ephrem the Syrian, who spoke and wrote in Syriac, not Arabic. Turns out that the word "hur" (which in Arabic in the Koranic context leads to the 72 virgins thingy) means "white raisins" in the Syriac! Not only that, the remainder of the contextual interpretation makes it clear that it's food and drink being offered in Paradise--not unlimited nookie with nubile Arab babes.

All this, for what, then? A big feed! A gobble-fest! A chow down--featuring, apparently, unlimited Raisinettes!

Frigging idiots.

Hey, mullahs: buff my scrotum!


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