Arabs are fun at parties

Why is it that when there's an explosion or a bomb or batttle or some kind of building falling down in the Middle East, there's always heaps of Arabs lollygagging around the remnants/leftovers/remains? Apparently the
evil Israelis have completely stopped the
totally blameless Arabs from obtaining employment--this has to explain the ability of people to just stand around all bloody day. It's apparently true even in Lebanon, which at last check was controlled not by the Israelis. But hey, fuck it, Israel is to blame for everything, hmmm?
Check out this video: it's a frigging
guns blazing battle, and there are
Arabs standing around watching:
Of course, there's the ubiquitous "four guys carrying the wounded guy off fireman-style". I particularly liked that part of it.
I liked the fact that he got wounded in the first place.
They really need to just chill-the-fuck-out....
Have a beer, play a video-game or something.
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