Thursday, June 14, 2007

Butt blasting banned in Berkeley

Hello mums and dads...I'm back from Orlando after a long drive and with, admittedly, just a wee touch of the body pong. Sad to report, feeling a bit overdone and not as scrubbed up as I normally am, though in truth it's hard to get at all the nooks and crannies when you're a fat piece of shit like me.

But that's another tale for another time.

However, it does relate to this story from Berkeley, Californ-eye-aye, to wit: the City Council has gotten around to passing an ordinance banning certain kinds of street behavior because, quoting now: "some say (the behavior) makes Berkeley's streets inhospitable to residents and visitors alike." Among the behaviors to be banned: public defecation.

Now, who would disagree with the "some say" people when it comes to public letting-the-feces-fly? Who thinks that maybe that's ok? Apparently some do, because otherwise the story would say that "everyone agrees" that backing the big brown Cadillac out of the garage, right out in the open, is a bad thing.

Or am I wrong? Not sure. Hold on, back in a jiff, I'm just going outside to free Nelson Mandela right there on the footpath outside the funeral home.


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