Hungover, again
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOhhhh my aching head. I should know better but then again I'm just a helpless drunk, captive to my addiction and held hostage by my disease (such bullshit....I just like to drink. A real LOT)!So last night I closed down my local (left, specializing in Heileman's Old Style and crack whores with no teeth) and got to bed sometime around 1am knowing full well I had to get up at 5:30 and deal with the chemicals guy making early morning funeral home rounds. Why the Aardbalm sales guy's gotta meet me at 7am, I don't know.
I have a headache the size of Idaho.
Yeah, like the Ardbalm salesman has a life to get to after work so he wants to get a real early start so he can get out at a decent hour.
Either that or he know's your hung over at that time of the day, so you'll sign an order just to get reid of him??
HMMM I wonder?
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