Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Che, Guac, and moi

So Benicio Del Toro, Oscar winner and all around brooding looking heavy lidded star of "Che", the new movie about Socialist revolutionary Che Guevara, is apparently unhappy answering questions about the movie and its politics.

I, personally, could give a hairy rats ass about Che or Benicio or any of that...but let me share with you one item from the news account of him leaving the press conference: apparently our boy was sitting in front of a "plate of guacamole" when he got up to leave.

A plate of guacamole? What kind of disgusting green oily nastiness communist Exorcist movie-throw-up-scene idiot doesn't get that guacamole, being part of the avacado plant, is in itself disgusting and evil?

There are not many things in life ai despise as much as guacamole. I'm thinking: Adolf Hitler. Joseph Stalin. The Dish Network. Just, on the whole, bad guys doing bad things, and they're on a par with the evil green quivering shit that is: guacamole.

Next time you throw up, shlubbies, understand this: what's in the toilet bowl looks exactly like the guac. And probably tastes about the same, too. Just ask our buddie Linda Blair, of the movie fame, who had to spew a plate of that nasty shit all over the set...ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.


At 12:56 PM, Blogger reneegrrrrrrrr said...

Yuck, I'm with ya, guacamole is NASTY!!!


At 2:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep...I could not agree more. Yet what confuses me is that Chicks dig it. 8 out of 10 will tell you that they love Guac on their tacos or something like that....Just confuses the shit out of me...


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