Wednesday, February 18, 2009

So this snake slithers into a bar...

News from the subcontinent of India, a place full of people whose gods have way too many arms and legs: apparently snake charmers are holding protests about a twenty year old law banning the use of real snakes in the snake charmers shows. The cops are ticketing these guys who squat on the sidewalk with their flutes and baskets full of venomous reptilian shudder-inducing slimy death dealers, and the charmers are pissed.

When I was a kid I lived in Singapore. Visit there now, it's like Geneva. Clean and spotless. But, back in the mid-60's, it still retained much of its old colonial charm, and that included snake charmers. There was this one guy who used to stake out a place outside our church, and when we'd arrive for Sunday School he'd be there, luring this gigantic cobra out of his basket by swaying back and forth as he played the flute (the swaying is what does it...snakes can't hear). Scary but fascinating stuff.

I hate me some snakes. But in honor of the snake charmers protest, here now, some pathetic snake jokes for your perusal and amusement:

--"So glad to meet you" said the Hindu politely. "Charmed I'm sure" replied the snake.
--Q: What kind of snake is good at math? A: An adder
--Q: Whaddya give a snake for its headache? A: Asp-irin

Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week. Try the veal. Don't forget to tip your waitress...


At 12:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK...Nigel...that was bad.

How the hell do you come up with these stories anyway? I mean, who else would have/could have found out about the Politcal stance of Snake Charmers in India?

At 1:56 PM, Blogger Infantry Dad said...

Is this your new asp eration Nige?

At 10:12 AM, Blogger reneegrrrrrrrr said...

Are you still in Singapore? I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like to hear of your adventures and misadventures ;)


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