Wednesday, February 04, 2009

I'm NOT the sickest bastard on the Internet

Just so you know that I'm NOT the sickest bastard on the Internet...not by a long shot...I give you a comment submission from an entry on yesterday.

This was in response to a UPI story about the first First Lady, Martha Washington. Seems they've uncovered evidence that Martha was pretty damn good looking back in the day, versus the general perception (based on paintings made when she was old and fat) that Ms. Washington was a puke inducing troll.

OK. So the discussion thread was about which First Lady was actually the hottest. The comments were hysterical, for the most part. As you'd expect, Jackie Kennedy yielded a number of mentions, including quite a few naming her "Hottest FL ever" (FL being "First Lady"). And then I ran across this, in response to a posting from someone named "Royale With Cheese" referencing Jackie O. The commenter is a charmer named "we_hates" (appropriately named I think).

The sickest bastard on the Internet? Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner.