Sunday, May 07, 2006

What a fool believes

Don't I feel more idiotic than normal? Sure. Why now?

It's silly: The Doobie Brothers had a song out in 1979, "What A Fool Believes", penned by lead singer Michael McDonald, he of the grey hair and beard at left. Everyone knows this song, right? So it's on the radio recently and I'm listening in HD--that's the new-fangled mega-shmega ultra clear delivery method, where every word, burp, fart, piano pedal squeek, etc., is astoundingly clear. With that clarity came lyrics which for years I've completely had screwed up.

This section of the song comes on:

She had a place in his life
He never made her think twice
As he rises to her apology
Anybody else would surely know
He's watching her go.

And all along I'd thought it was this:

Cheese has a place in a slice
Eeeee! Never make a thing twice!
Ashley rises to her pile of cheese
Anybody else would surely know
He's watching Urkel.

Silly me. I've been singing it that way since 1979. But no longer. Oh, and please by all means: buff my scrotum....


At 1:33 PM, Blogger changapeluda said...

OMG! I laugh so hard at/with you!!!
I'm disgusted and way amused at the same time!! so I added you to my favourites

I don't know about buffing your scrotum but I'll be back for a good laugh now and then.

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