Wednesday, July 19, 2006

...and starring Ehud Olmert as The Terminator!

Israel will beat the felafel out of Hezbollah.

Seriously, it'll be nothing but hummus and kibee balls all over the tent floor by the time my IDF boys and girls get done with these goddamm sand-wipers. And there will be a movie made, Academy Award time, mazeltov! Titled "Mohammed Gets Boned", it'll feature Natalie Portman as Miriam, the righteously pissed off babe from Haifa who takes up an Uzi in search of justice, and Shlomit Riger as her beautiful but conflicted hottie cousin, Azalia, who inexplicably but luckily lusts after this certain fat, hideous, disgusting, grotesque, horrifying, yet deceptively sweet and sensitive old bald guy...Azalia just wants it all to end so she can get back in her bikini and loll about Tel Aviv's Ge'ula beach (oh God, just the mmm mmm mmm thought of it, look at her picture, shlubbies, grrrrr....excuse me, I'll be right back in 15 minutes....)


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