Monday, July 03, 2006

NASA, foam, and Farrah Fawcett

I'm having a real hard time with this foam falling off business, which has plagued the shuttle program and has caused yet more delays and finger-pointing and consternation and other assorted bureaucratic butt covering.

Can someone explain the problem at Cape Canaveral? Let's get a goddamm move on here!

I mean, what's stopping them from calling up someone from Gillette or Schick and getting some bloody experts on the bloody case? Even Farrah Fawcett used to do TV ads for "Foamy"; hell, she probably knows more about foam than these NASA doofi ("doofi": Latin for multiple doofuses).

By the way, do you rememember the TV ad? It was from around 1971 or 1972, and good God. No one knew who the hell she was--this was way pre-Charlie's Angels. But she was a show-stopper, for sure. This commercial was actually a pretty good predictor of your future homo/butt-slamming tendencies: if you were say, a 12 or 13 year old boy, and you could watch Farrah...quivering....onscreen as she extolled the virtues of Foamy, if you could watch it and if for more than one second you were actually thinking about shaving with this stuff, instead of what you'd actually like to do with and to Farrah while both of you were covered in it, well, hell, you were well on your way to being a certified fag. Case closed. And not that there's anything wrong with that.

I went looking for the Foamy ad on the web; couldn't find it anywhere. It's in the Pole Pulling Hall of Fame somewhere. But you'll get a vague idea of the power of Farrah circa early 70's by watching this, for Mercury. When you watch the ad, see if you don't agree: there's way too much time spent on the cat and not enough on the pussy, IMHO.


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