Thursday, October 26, 2006

Black Sabbath re-groups: turn your hearing aid up!

The members of Black Sabbath (at left, effectively defunct since 1980) are re-forming as a new band called "Heaven and Hell". Ronnie James Dio subs for original lead singer Ozzy Osbourne, who's not associated with the group any more. From the press release announcing this, the quote that caught my eye: "The fans have been wanting to see this for years and years. Now was just the time."

Let's break this down, shall we?

--"The fans": I'd grant you a few fans if this was the Ozzy Osbourne band...but Ronnie James Dio? Pfffft.
--"wanting to see this for years and years": Sure. Since 1980, we've been on pins and needles, wishin' and hopin'....
--"Now was just the time": Aging band members (the bass player's first name is "Geezer"--honest) will be dropping dead soon, and they wanted to make some scratch while they're still ambulatory.

Something that what would be infinitely more interesting, plus even more non-musical: what if the second bananas from music duos got together to form a band? Say, John Oates of Hall & Oates teamed up with Andrew Ridgeley of Wham! and Curt Smith from Tears for Fears. No one knows what these guys sound like (or even look like....). They could call the band "Last But Not Least" or perhaps "Bringing Up The Rear".

On second thought, in the case of the Wham! guy, that last band name might be more on the money than intended.

Now, that would be funny.


At 6:22 AM, Blogger none said...

How about calling them "You-didn't-fucking-want-us-but-here-we-are-anyway" and be done with it.

Or the "We're-not-famous-but-used-to-be-in-a-band-that-was-years-ago".

At 11:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey lets not forget that KISS is planning a new reunion tour as well.

I can see all of these bands coming out with walking canes and walkers out on stage to Rock Out!


At 6:10 AM, Blogger none said...

I can just see the ad for zimmer frames (walkers), walking sticks and surgical stockings . . . . .

'For those about to rock - we support you'


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