Sunday, October 22, 2006

Behind the Hybrid hypocrite

See if this makes you pause the way it did me.

So I'm driving along behind a Toyota Prius. A hybrid, environmentally friendly car, designed to reduce gas emissions and dependence on foreign oil. Bought mostly by guilt-ridden yuppies who want to "make a statement". And the statement they're making certainly has nothing to do with styling or looks; this car is as ugly as a hatful of assholes (photo, above left). No, mostly the statement is about how concerned they are about the environment.

Comes to a stoplight, does this Prius, and the driver winds the window down, puts his hand out, and drops his lit cigarette butt on the road. Light goes green and he's off.

Two things popped into my head:
  1. You asshole.
  2. Who is this guy kidding? He can't be concerned about the environment; he just littered with impunity. He can't be concerned about his internal environment; hopefully the cancer cells are growing in his lungs as we speak. And if he's driving this thing because gas prices are too high....last I checked, a pack of Merit Ultra Lights is running close to $4.00 where I live and in some metro areas close to $8.00. Quit smoking, and you could drive a Hummer, get 6 mpg, pay for all that gas, and still come out ahead of where you are as a smoker.
Here's to white suburban hypocrites everywhere. Another reason I say: buff my scrotum.


At 5:48 AM, Blogger none said...

Q: Where does most pollution come from?
A: Manufacturing and Heavy Industry.

Q: Who makes cars?
A: erm, the Manufacturing Industry.

Q: What is the environmental impact of making a Toyota Prius?
A: Ah, more than the manufacture of some 4x4 vehicles due to the extensive use of plastics. (Many utiliatarian vehicles use little plastic in comparison to standard road vehicles - customer demands you see)!

Q: Shall we even touch upon the environmental impact of disposal of the Toyota's batteries at the end of the vehicle life?
A: Erm, best not - or everyone will figure this is a dumb car made for the same dumb people who have been conned into believeing global warming even exists.

(Statistics used to show 'Global Warming' are massaged just like any other stats and figures. They show a steady increase since the beginning of the Industrial revolution - in fact, if you extend the figure back even further, MUCH further, you will find that the same rise has been going on since when records were kept).

Hmmmmm, seems to blow a hole in the whole argument that!


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