Friday, November 10, 2006

Walken Watch Up The Ass award recipient

The joke goes: "Hey, what's the last thing the redneck said before he died? Answer: Hey, y'all, watch this!!" This story is vaguely similar.

The photo shows what happens when you insert a Blackcat Thunderbolt rocket up your rear end and someone's using their mobile camera to record the event. Here's the Times of London account, quoting a witness: "There were around 40 of us at a bonfire on Dundas Road. After the fire had finished we were hanging around setting off fireworks. The lad was saying, 'This is boring, what can we do?' He then decided to put a rocket up his backside and set it off. Everyone was just laughing and didn't believe he would do it but he pulled his trousers down, placed the firework and someone lit it.

The guy, who btw was a soldier in the British Army (!) almost died--severe burns, major internal injuries, etc. The part of the story I think is hilarious is the "'This is boring, what can we do?' He then decided to put a rocket up his backside and set it off."

Sure. I know that whenever I'm bored, the next thing that pops into my head is hey, why not insert explosives into my anus?

This guy must have come from the shallow-bird-bath portion of the gene pool. His life is more proof that God wants you to masturbate instead of procreate. But for his efforts, he receives the coveted "Buff My Scrotum" Walken Watch Up The Ass award.


At 6:16 AM, Blogger none said...

Army you see, you have to have at least SOME intelligence to join my lot, but the Army - nah, how many clever people would say 'OK then' when you ordered them 'over the top'?


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