Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Ethiopia kicks Somali Islamist ass; drugs return!

Ethiopia, last heard from when everyone living there was starving to death, apparently scrounged up enough gruel to feed its army (photo, left, aboard their version of an attack SUV). Fortified, they went into Somalia and before you could say "Blackhawk down", they'd kicked wanna-be ruler Somali Islamo-fascists out of the country.

So now, suddenly, you have a non-Islamic run country, with all accrued benefits. These include free-wheeling sex with hot Somali babes (sunbathing at right), and of course: drugs are back on the street. Already. A drug called "kaht", which when chewed acts a bit like cocaine.

This is a trade-off us Libertarians can live with. Ya got your Koran or you got your Kaht. Choose. Ok--wanna bump?

And while we're at it, let's let this Ethiopian Army unleash some Haile Selassie whoopass in Iraq and see what damage they can do to the Islamashits there. Hmmmmm?


At 1:39 PM, Blogger changapeluda said...

Well Roffle my Falafel!
I came here specifically to this post to learn a little about third world countries....

good thing I did.

heeeee heeeee i learned a lot.


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