Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Trip randomosity

Random observations, now that I'm back:
  • In the South Pacific, I didn't miss--
    • the dominance of hip-hopification in pop culture. Sure, kids in New Zealand and Australia like rap, but it hasn't taken over the entirety of daily everything, like it has in the USA. Yo, word to your mama, dawg.
    • the complete and total commercialization of Christmas. The tiresome bullshit we put up with in the US....well, very little of that was there. Refreshing.
  • In the South Pacific, I especially liked--
    • traffic roundabouts. Why we don't have them in the US, I don't know, except of course because we're the "greatest country in the world" and as such could never learn a thing from anyone else outside our borders. Right?
    • fresh food, everywhere. From little sandwich shops to believe it or not airport cafes, everything fresh and home made. When they ran out, they ran out; nothing pre-packaged. Amazingly tasty everything.
    • girls--lots and lots of really really good-looking ones--sunbathing topless on Coogee or Bondi or Bronte or wherever beach in Sydney.

Speaking of Bronte Beach--by all means, visit the gourmet burger cafe there employing perhaps the sexiest waitress in the history of humanity. Tall but not "skinny", blonde, busty, gorgeous, curvy, a smile that will kill you...and she's got a voice that, alone, could put Viagra out of business. A shiver and a sigh from old Nigel, boyos, lemme tell you. I have very helpfully circled the cafe's location in the accompanying aerial Bronte Beach photo at left so all you disgusting horn dogs will know where to go for a glimpse and subsequent follow-up wank in your hotel room.


At 3:42 AM, Blogger cddstamps said...

Nigel, what a sheltered life you have led.. you must visit more often.. every shop, stall, coffee shop, street cafe and bar is full of them.. and it gets better between noon and 2pm.. :-) why do you think I live here :-)


At 10:38 AM, Blogger Nigel St.John Regina Smegmatica Howle-Raines said...

Thanks Michael--assuming you live in Sydney? If so, when you get a minute, stop by the Gourmet Burger Cafe in Bronte and perv this particular shop girl.

Good God almighty.


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