Saturday, March 17, 2007

Tonight on HBO: Don King vs. Phil Spector

Just what exactly the fuck happened to Phil Spector's hair? Here he is, Mr Legendary Record Producer and former husband of oh-so-sweet-yum-yum-yum Ronnie Spector (she was absolutely smokin' hot in her day)--anyway, here's Phil in court, on trial for killing this poor bint wanna be while she was in his house, and instead of looking professional and concerned, he fronts up looking like he started the day by plugging his John Thomas into a light socket. He's probably guilty as hell, because they all are, always. Um, O.J. comes to mind, yes?

The one thing we can be absolutely sure of is that Don King will be jealous as hell and may himself get violent once he sees these pictures. Stay tuned for details!


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