Tuesday, September 04, 2007

So this sales guy walks into a funeral home...

Even I can't believe this. In to work today comes a sales guy from Oxford Coffins, who advertise direct to funeral homes--they have a web site where you can see pictures of the cool, colorful coffins they offer for "specialty cases." Like this, for dead kids, which is beyond even my disgusting and insensitive imagination...I kid you not (no pun intended):


At 2:01 PM, Blogger Chalice said...

Not sure what to think about this. I mean no one is going to see it and the child certainly wouldn't get a chance to enjoy, if that is the appropriate word, it.. So whats the point??

A little on the creepy side...

At 2:10 PM, Blogger Nigel St.John Regina Smegmatica Howle-Raines said...

It's REALLY on the creepy side....don't you think? The only time we run into this kind of thing here at the home is with (understandably) hysterical grieving parents who want something "special" at the service.

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Deech said...

I have seen the KISS coffin. I don't know if you have seen this but Gene Simmons hocks it all the time.


At 4:10 AM, Blogger doctor chip said...

for what it's worth, several years ago, some friends of mine lost their one year old son.

more pathetic than the loss was the casket itself. I was extremely appalled, and became wholly depressed, when I saw the thing--
which more closely resembled one
of those dirt-cheap K-Mart grade styrofoam beer coolers than anything you might choose to bury a loved one with any sort of dignity. it was truly sickening.

I think something like this would have been light years better than that putrid piece of shit. I remember crying that day, but more because of what they buried the poor kid in.

hey, I even used it to ice down a 6-pack, but even THAT didn't help to lighten things up...

... neither did stringin' the kid up like a Marionette and puttin' on a little Puppet Show.

I mean, that sort of thing usually goes over BIG at parties and stuff, but, this time it didn't even cheer ME up.

what a rotten day THAT was.

fuckin' rained at the cemetary, too.





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