Friday, April 11, 2008

Cat crap coffee craze can cuff cy crotum

More proof that the world is coming to an end: a report in today's London Daily Mail about the world's most expensive cup of coffee.

$100 a cup. And it's made from cat shit. Indonesian civet cats, to be specific. English retards with too much money are just lapping it up; oh-so-fashionable salonistas from Mayfair to Park Lane are simply all over it, daaahhhling.

You may well ask: why Indonesian cats? The answer, dear reader, is that when one is brewing shit coffee, one must use only the finest shit. And everyone knows that Indonesian cat shit is the absolute aces toppermost of the poppermost!

But just wait till you drink their urine! Shlubbies, it's positively sublime, with hints of oak and a rich, buttery characteristic that's often sweet and cloying. There's a slight nuance of hazelnut that provides a sexy back note, all supported by crisp acidity that gives the cat pee a bright, juicy snap. It's full-bodied, with mild ammonia intensity at the finish. A great match for foods like spicy paella (so long as you make the paella from Indonesian dog shit).


At 11:33 AM, Blogger Deech said...

My God! What is this world coming to. I will tell you that I wish I had a picture of that.

On a different note, I just wanted to let you know that I am back the blogger site. Sorry for all the confusion...Yeah yeah I know, I can buff your scrotum.


At 1:46 PM, Blogger Constance said...

People are weird. Now I know why I've always like tea better than coffee...

At 4:40 PM, Blogger La Sirena said...

Hahahahahah! I am the crazy cat lady of mi barrio. I think I'll just scoop out the catbox, mix it with the Folger's, hook the Mr. Coffee's up to generators in a cart like the elote man has and push on down to the yuppie hood with this sign.

"This shit is the finest."

A fine way to spend my Saturdays. Thanks for the idea.

At 5:36 AM, Blogger Carlos said...

That just ain't right. I think I posted some long bunch of drivel about this shit (ha ha) some time ago. Sounds just as unappealing today as it did then!


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