Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sarah Palin causes problems with demand elasticity!

You know what gives me a little bit of a tingle, right where it counts? Bea Arthur--for sure (gratuitous photo at left). But today, I want to talk about that dismal science that makes me jump for joy: Economics. Specifically, demand elasticity. There's something special about looking at demand curves based on the nature of goods and services. I know I can't be the only one who sees this:

(Q1 – Q2) / (Q1 + Q2)
(P1 – P2) / (P1 + P2)

and pants tightening occurs. Can I?

Some economic questions and answers:
  1. Oil prices are dropping as fast as my underwear when I see a photo of Megan Fox (gratuitous photo at right). Yet, the price of gas is rising. Who's to blame? Answer: Sarah Palin and the Mainstream Conservative Media.
  2. The price of beer is holding steady, yet I get more and more drunk every day. So, demand is up, and theoretically, price should be up to. Who gets the credit? Answer: certainly NOT Sarah Palin and the Mainstream Conservative Media.
  3. And then there's THIS, goddammit,and who's to blame?:

    Answer: Sarah Palin and the Mainstream Conservative Media.
  4. My price of my web subscription to is going up, yet I find myself using it less (my new wanking fave is, theoretically, the price should be going down. Who's to blame? The answer, of course: Sarah Palin and the Mainstream Conservative Media.
Bloody mainstream conservative media. And that Sarah Palin? She's causing all these problems, really, and needs a really good spanking. A really good one. Good. One.


At 5:00 PM, Blogger Karen said...

math makes my brain hurt...I perked right up at "spankings" though.

Except...Sarah Palin ! Ew ! Certainly you can find something better to spank...

At 6:02 PM, Blogger Constance said...

can't imagine spanking her would be any fun unless she dressed up like a schoolgirl and called you "sir", and said she had been very naughty first...

At 10:14 AM, Blogger La Sirena said...

Maybe she'll speak in tongues around your holiest of holies???

And if you don't "enjoy yourself", whose fault will that be?

Sarah Palin's and the Mainstream Media's, of course...

At 11:16 AM, Blogger Deech said...


I nominate you to do the spanking. Please capture it on video!

Many thanks!

At 4:10 PM, Blogger Kimberly A. Suta said...

Great blog title, btw. I would love for your blog to be a part of – the world’s first blog-to-film competition. It’s free! All u do is link this blog to for a chance to win 2,000!

– Kimberly (co-creator)

p.s. if you also have a video blog, we just launched

At 6:47 AM, Blogger Carlos said...

I'll draft the letter to her for your review. I do suggest you demand she be wearing a short skirt, fishnets, and fuck-me pumps.

At 6:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

TGIF, Nigel!! :)


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