Monday, September 15, 2008

Lawyer needs a lawyer, and fast

So see where Atlanta NFL Falcons safety Lawyer Milloy, photo, left, got hit with a DUI last night.

Here's what springs to mind upon reading this story in the world famous oh-so-high-quality journalistic exemplar that is the Atlanta Journal Constitution: who the fuck names their kid "Lawyer", and what was the impetus for said fucking naming stupidity?

Seriously, Mrs. Milloy couldn't handle a normal name, based on the time honored tradition of twenty five years ago, when she and her brothers Rufus and Calvin were watching Roots--a name like "Tanaqueshiquamableya"? Something good and African? No, it had to be a name based on a profession. Lawyer. Why not "Doctor", or "Dentist"? That'd be good: "Dentist Malloy". Extractor of yardage. Driller of defense. You know?

I long for the days when mamas name their kids the way they ought to be named, using normal names, like Arthur or George. Where are the George's in the goddamm NFL? Nowhere, I say, and more's the pity.

OK, enough rant--let's throw it back to the studio and my co-host, the lovely Latrinachlorine, whose got a booty on which you could prop an entire tray of margaritas. She's there, on the left, just stylin' and profilin'. Take it away, you gigantic assed baby. You make me grrrrr, in an HR reporting kinda way....


At 10:30 PM, Blogger Karen said...

evidently we got rid of him just in time :)


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