Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Wherein you Nigel assays clean thinking and talking

Welcome, dearest friends and funseekers! I am going to try something today that's new and different. Ready?

I have a friend who's some kind of conjurer...I dunno, maybe a Buddhist mystic? Which is hard to be here in suburban Atlanta. What's to be mystical about? The traffic? But there's real power here, with this woman: some chanting, magic spells, potions, and lo and behold for the first time in over a year, I've slept two nights in a row straight through until it was time to get up. Normally, I get about 4 hours of sleep a night and am exhausted all the time. But, apparently, courtesy of this female version of David Copperfield and her long distance hocus pocus, I can slip into the arms of Morpheus and STAY THERE!

Anyhow, she is disturbed by my continual swearing, both in person, and on this blog. Something about "karma", which I believe is a brand of laundry soap? I'm so confused. Nevertheless, and based on her continual expressions of concern, I am endeavoring to go straight vis a vis the cursing, and especially vis a vis the blasphemy. At least for today. I will break the habit. For 24 hours. Maybe.

This is difficult for me, as there are two things I am famous for: swearing, and pretty much non-stop continual wanking. Polishing the helmet on my German soldier. Talking on the clone phone. Frightening Uncle Fester. Field stripping my M-16. Squashing Stonehenge. You get the picture?

I'm so horny, the crack of dawn better watch out. I mean, a stiff breeze comes a long and blamo, I'm at it, a humpin' and a pumpin'. So long as I don't have to stop doing THAT, well, then, I'll give this clean talking nonsense a shot.

Pray for me, shlubbies. I'm irredeemable, I'm afraid. But if I succeed, I'll be the first to celebrate with a toast: champagne for my real friends, and real pain for my sham friends!! Amen.


At 10:23 AM, Blogger none said...

I've never tried to stop cussing for more than a few seconds. Even when I'm alone I think in profanity.

Good luck with your fast..

At 10:56 AM, Blogger Karen said...

clone phone !! LOL !!!

will be thinking clean thoughts for you...

At 12:39 PM, Blogger Deech said...

Nigel! My prayers are with you! I think you can do it!

At 4:25 PM, Blogger Constance said...

Why yes, dearest, I am in complete agreement. I MIGHT be able to stop cursing, but give up masturbation ? Never !

Glad you got 2 good night's sleep - whatever she suggests, keep trying it :)

At 9:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree with this mystic in which you speak!! Miss Katie does not like the cursing either. i am trying to get my wiener to stop referring to everyone as "beeotch".
but it's gonna take some time!!

At 10:34 PM, Blogger Carlos said...

Profanity is the duct tape and bailing wire of language. Don't stop using it - use it wisely, sparingly and appropriately.


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