Sunday, May 28, 2006

Johnny, we hardly knew ye...was a flaming poofter.

I don't know what to make of this.

In Robert Daller's Kennedy bio, "An Unfinished Life" (Little, Brown, & Co., 2003), I read this quote. Then, slowly, I re-read it, just to make sure. Because I don't want a lawsuit or nuttin', capice? It's British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan, speaking to Kennedy hanger-on and all around boot-licker Arthur Schlesinger, circa 1962, about his (Macmillan's), er, relationship, if you can call it that, with JFK. I quote: "It was the gay things that linked us together". Kennedy himself described being with Macmillan as like being "In the bosom of the family...I am lucky to have a man to deal with."

These are quotes, folks, from page 415. You can look it up.

What the f*** is the f***ing world coming to? And how come this wasn't part of the Warren Commission report?

I mean, this guy's reputation wielding the, um, Presidential Pen (as it were), precedes him. All the books talk about his insatiable need for the pink. In the pool with his secretaries, on the floor with the maids, up against the wall with Marilyn Monroe. He even conducted live demonstrations for younger brother Ted---allegedly. Allegedly. But if true, what a nice thing for a big brother to do, and didn't young Teddy pick up some pointers?

A thought: if Jack had only spent as much time teaching him to drive, why, Teddy would likely be President today.

Mais encore, je perds mon foyer ici. So sorry.

To the subject at hand: all this hetero Camelot-esque presidential perversion is all around okey-dokey with me. Just jake. Swell, super. But now we're to understand that the insatiable need for the pink included British Boy Butthole? Macmillan's Men? The Prime Minister's Privates?

I say, bugger that (and apparently, so did JFK).

So, in shock, I'm now going back through all the other Presidential biographies I've got at home, just checking. I want to see if Ike was a cross-dresser or if Woodrow Wilson liked to get spanked or if Calvin Coolidge was into barnyard animals (we know for a fact that Eleanor Roosevelt liked horses--she liked big, black horses. Big ones. There she is at right, getting ready to "saddle up". Yippe-kay-ay. ) So I'm now perusing periodicals, dirt-digging. A blogger's responsibility to his one or two readers never ends.

I shall report my findings, forthwith. Until then, as JFK would say: "Buff my scrotum. With vig-AH"!


At 4:46 PM, Blogger changapeluda said...

so how's the dirt digging coming alone.

one reader (at least)

At 4:47 PM, Blogger changapeluda said...

i meant along,

and alone :)

unless someone else steps up to the comment plate....
if not then they can Buff MY Scrotum!

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