Stick a hook in YOUR mouth and see how YOU like it

Ya know, upon reflection: that's a lot like sex. Or at least, my memory of it --the sex, not the fishing...wait. Now I'm confused....
OK. The specific memory I have of this marvelous day is: I wanted to go home, immediately. Because even at the age of five I had discovered what way too many toothless rednecks don't ever find out, which is that fishing blows.
Here, then, my definitive angle on angling:
- It's not a sport. Sports involve balls and scoring with said balls (another similar-to-sex reference. Uncanny, isn't it?)
- One word: mosquitos.
- Slimy, grotesque, bloody entrails. Unless you'll be wielding the scalpel on A&E's Autopsy: Case Files, cleaning and gutting the li'l buggers isn't for you. Or anyone civilized, for that matter.
- Q. Whaddya call two guys sitting around drinking beer for 5 hours? A. Alcoholics. Q. Whaddya call the same two guys sitting around drinking beer for 5 hours in a boat on a lake with rods and reels? A. Fishermen.
- Hey, idjits, you don't need to do it. You can buy the damn fish right there in the supermarket.
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