Thursday, July 20, 2006

Just am letting you know, ya see...

I feel pain. My breasts are sagging.

But on the whole, I'm still a huge monkey load of laughs, despite all this. Dontcha agree?

Note to Hezbollah fans who are apparently upset about their perception of my alleged "pro-Israeli bias", and who've contacted me via camel courier: no, I'm not anti-Arab. Not possible. Gotta love all Abraham's issue, right, gotta, yes? Isaac, Ishmael, yeah baby, all from the same ol' marvelous dude.

Specifically, now, see, what I object to is you and your current family and all your friends and their families and yours and their descendants and basically, everyone you know. Also, your propensity to blow people up with bombs and wipe your ass with your hands and then turn around and eat frigging dates for dinner. Does that narrow it down for ya, you goddamm towel head sand washing piece of khara?

But other than that, I love you. Don't ever change, don't ever shave.

We already know you don't ever bathe.


At 4:44 AM, Blogger none said...

And my recollections from Training at Cosford in England, the Saudi students didn't sit on the bog seat! They STOOD on the bog seat, took the lid off the cistern and SHAT IN THERE INSTEAD!!!!

Now is that sick, disgusting or just plain retarded?

Wearing that fucking towel on their heads in hot weather must have cooked their tiny little fucking brains.


Rant over - linked you too, had to really, you made me laugh.


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