Thursday, August 02, 2007

A weird anniversary

Today, August 2nd, is the 40th anniversary of me having my first ever cheeseburger. How many other people in the world can actually pinpoint the exact date they had their first cheeseburger?

I realize that sounds strange but bear with me: when I was young, my family moved all over the world. On 1 August, 1967, we moved to Singapore (old Singapore photo, left). Stayed at the Intercontinental Singapura (long gone). Anyhow, on day two, 2nd August, and by the pool at lunchtime, I ordered a "cheeseburger". I had no idea what to expect; then again, I was a kid, and every damn thing I was experiencing, from the exotically gorgeous Asian waitresses to the snake charmers in the street to the one million percent humidity was all brand new to me.

This cheeseburger thing was also new; my family never ate hamburgers, let alone cheeseburgers. We are from a part of the world where, at least back then, that kind of food was relatively unknown. So I can pinpoint the exact circumstances, date, and time of my first cheeseburger.

How about that?


At 10:11 PM, Blogger Blue Sky Hunter said...

Whoa! That's actually pretty damn cool.


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