Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Beer--it's what's for dinner!


At 11:23 PM, Blogger La Sirena said...

1. Wearing makeup gives one wrinkles.

2. Drinking beer makes one fat.

3. Fat people's wrinkles are kinda not so obvious due to the fat filling them in.

Ergo, spending money on beer, rather than makeup will keep one's skin looking younger longer.

(Plus, rinsing your hair with the warm piss bottoms of the bottles gives you that salon shine on the cheap!)

At 3:54 AM, Blogger Nigel St.John Regina Smegmatica Howle-Raines said...

God I love how you think.

At 12:52 PM, Blogger Deech said...

ROTFLMAO...I had this one pending for my blog...You beat me to it!


At 8:40 PM, Blogger doctor chip said...

truth in advertising.






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