Friday, September 07, 2007

Wherein your Nigel learns the TRUTH!

This was my earlier, optimistic yet suspicious report about a visit to my pool by a real live attractive woman in a small bikini. I couldn't figure out why she deigned to grace me with her long-legged presence. So, I was waiting for the other shoe to drop...

Turns out my basic cynical nature was right. I learned last night that this was a setup designed to piss her husband off and get him back on the straight and narrow. Seems what was good for the gander was good for the goose, or something, and I was the pawn in the middle of the whole thing.

Apparently Mr. Dick Hangingoutofhispants was horrified when he learned that his wife had sunk so low as to take up with me (not that she had, mind you--she just wanted him to think that she had). Anyway, he's come to his senses, quit his philandering, they're all reconciled now lovey-dovey, and I'm sitting at home smugly aware of my own stupidity.

What a bunch of 8th grade bullshit. And so now: back to reality for your Nigel.


At 10:47 AM, Blogger Deech said...

Nigel, next time she does this, make her think it would be better to have an afternoon or evening between the sheets with you. Have her take pics for her hubby to really get him jealous. Then after you are done with her...drop her like a bad habit.

At the very least, they will still play in 8th Grade and you got yourself some legs wrapped around you.

I hate people like that!


At 10:53 AM, Blogger Nigel St.John Regina Smegmatica Howle-Raines said... afternoon or evening between the sheets with you ???

I can't even stand sleeping with me! HAH!!

At 11:23 AM, Blogger La Sirena said...

I'm sorry, but anybody who does that is probably chronically bad in bed.

At 2:53 PM, Blogger Blue Sky Hunter said...

I'd like to be a pawn in the middle of something...

At 3:41 AM, Blogger doctor chip said...

say! why not invites the both of 'em to dinner?

but, with a twist, see?

when they sit down at the table, you already have a third, undeclared guest...

... such as a "Jane Doe" cadaver, borrowed from work, strapped into a dining room chair?

oh, yeah.

"I'd like you two fucks to meet Mrs. Howle-Raines..."

oh, my. they'd piss themselves silly whilst falling over each other, tying to get out the door, never to be heard from again.

good riddance, too, the batch of fucks.

yup. that'll teach 'em.




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