Tuesday, June 06, 2006

"Disorder"? I've got yer "disorder" right here...

Today's news brings word of yet another reason for people not to have to control themselves. Great, just great.

According to the just released latest navel-gazing National Institute of Health (NIH) study of human behavior, flipping someone off as you drive home is not your fault. Neither is tail-gating, cuttting people off, etc., etc. NIH "experts" have "discovered" that road rage isn't you acting like an uncivilized, impatient ass. It seems that, well--you're sick. You suffer from something called "Intermittent Explosive Disorder", or "IED" for short. (Intermittent Explosive Disorder--sounds like something you get after eating too much Mexican food...)

I thought we'd run the gamut of made up and imaginary accountability-avoidance B.S. "syndromes" and "disorders" when I saw the TV ads for "RLS" or "Restless Leg Syndrome". But no, apparently not.

So what happens if I'm in an accident caused by my Restless Leg Syndrome? Say my right leg's bouncing all over the place and I hit the gas instead of the brake, and this causes the guy I hit to go berserk and he tries to beat me up? Because while my RLS caused the accident, his Intermittent Explosive Disorder is making him act like Caryl Chessman with Tourettes Syndrome. Wait. There's another syndrome. Sigh.

When the police arrive, they'll have no one to ticket--because--sing along, Howard Jones fans: no one is to blame. Why, anyone can tell you that it's the RLS and the IED at fault!

Enough with these fake disorders and diseases. Here's wishing a hale and hearty STFU to the NIH for undertaking this pile of crap study. And ultimately: BMS ("buff my scrotum", for you newbie readers).


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