Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Other drivers: one chromosome too many...

Pissed down all bloody day yesterday. Power out all over the metro, people acting like fools behind the wheel as a result. Stoplights buggerized. Where I live, the law says if the stoplights are flashing amber, that means it's ok to proceed without stopping--with care, just take yourself on through the intersection and go on your merry way. When flashing red, ya gotta stop. And if they're out completely, you treat the intersection like a 4-way stop.

Shlubbies, I swear I will shoot, with my large, trusty, and extensive-damage-causing Sig Sauer P229R Crimson Trace, the next retard I'm tailgating who stops at a flashing amber. Since they can't follow the rules of the road and obviously got their driving license off the back of a Corn Flakes packet, they don't deserve the road-access privileges afforded those of us with IQs higher than what can be measured on the Richter Scale. Agreed?

OK, mums and dads: drive carefully now!


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