Friday, August 18, 2006

All psychics can buff my scrotum

At left, idiotic too much snow up the ass Canadian "psychics" who advertise.

Now, normally I love advertising. Totally love it. The more the goddamm merrier. Tell me all your nonsense, wrap it up in tinsel and bunting, make me wanna buy, BABY, I'm there. It makes my t'aint tingle. Normally.

But wait, see, here we have psychics who advertise.

Just stop and think about that. What kind of mealy-mouthed douchebag psychic advertises? Don't they already know who's coming to visit them? Can't they predict the goddamm future? So what's with the display ad on

It's like the hucksters who advertise "systems" on the radio, late at night, to help you beat the stock market. Look, bucko, if it takes me to tell ya, lemme lay it on ya: why in all the name of what's good and holy would I reveal my system, proven to work, mind you, that will beat Wall Street? If it worked so fecking well, then wouldn't I just keep pummelling the goddamm market about the ears and nose, on my own? Why would I reveal anything, except perhaps my income whilst hiding evidence of my tiny, skinny, hollow penis, to the Halle Berry look-a-like (at right--is it live, or is it Memorex?) who's standing at the bar, awaiting the hit-on from some rich (albeit ugly, fat, disgusting, horrifying, grotesque) piece of drek sorry excuse for a human sonofabitch?

Hey, that's me!


At 4:46 PM, Blogger changapeluda said...

oh dag! it's hollow, too?!?

have u seen that drawing (psychic rendering) of J.Bonet's killer?

The one that looks remarkably
(they mean nuthin') like John Mark Karr? Eeerie... mmm not so much


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