"God doesn't create junk"--tell that to Jerry Springer...
"God doesn't create junk"....yeah, sure, well, how 'bout you buff my scrotum? Of course he does. What utter nonsense. Just look around--there's enough feces walking and talking to supply all the merde needed at the Sean Hannity family dinner table for at least a year.Most people are average, by definition. Ergo, there are lottsa folks who score sub-par, and without being judgemental I say: eff 'em. The lower end of whatever the curve is that you're curving, generates pretty low end curve hangers-on. Right?
Sic inquam: God might love 'em, but I don't have to. I own a Sig Arms Blaser R 93 LRS2 .338 "blow the snot out of everything" shotgun that says I don't have to love anybody. Et je ne fais pas.
Oh: two parenthetical but most important notes: Sig Arms is the best company in the history of the Universe, dedicated to putting gaping, bleeding holes in things I don't like, and I enjoy spending lottsa time on my own.
Can you tell?
Hey Buffy!
I gotta remedy for ya and is that a pistol in your pocket
or are you just...
you know....
That's way too fucking happy for me!
It's not a pistol in my pocket and I'm way happy to see you. Always.
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