Friday, November 24, 2006

They're all nuts

Yesterday a 68 year old grandmother became one of the latest lunatic Arabs blowing themselves up in the name of Allah or Jihad or Hizbollah or Felafel or Kibbi or just because she could. This was in Israel. And now, just now, moving across the wires, is this, from Iraq: "Shiites burn six Sunni worshippers alive" .

We've all had a pantload. These completely insane people should all be left to kill each other off. I'm sick of the entire lot of them. They can take their wiping-their-ass-with-their-hand-trilling-at-the-top-of-their-lungs "culture" and pound sand. Here's the solution: withdraw everyone with a brain from all Arab countries. That'll leave only the Arabs. Next, encourage the sectarian violence so they kill each other, all of them. Finally, flatten the place. You're not missing much: civilization stopped progressing there 1000 years ago. What's left? Desert, and oil.

Makes me miss ol' Saddam; he knew a thing or two about keeping order, to say nothing of maintaining geopolitical balance by keeping the Iraqi Shiite majority in line (look what's happened now: Iran's influence is now way more enhanced, and so we'll end up with a pan-Shiite bloc stretching from the Syrian and Jordanian border all the way to Afghanistan--lucky us, hmmm?).

What exactly was Geo. Bush thinking?


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