Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Thanks a pantload

I do the arts and crafts myself, at home. You know, knitting, macrame, and the like. It's a side of me that's more, well...sensitive, and goddammit I like being known as a sensitive fucker. Yupper.


At 9:47 PM, Blogger Infantry Dad said...

I think I feel a teer running down my cheek.

Nope, I was just having a minor stroke.

At 11:11 AM, Blogger none said...

Do you have a sign in the toilet asking guests to scrub those shit streaks away in the pan, ar skid-marks in the bowl are not a sign of prowess (well they are, if they're mine and in my shitter).

At 4:38 PM, Blogger doctor chip said...

I just leave out the plunger and toilet brush when guests drop by, you know, for a subtle hint.

that, and alarge can of Lysol.





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