Friday, July 13, 2007

John Mark Karr has a girlfriend?

WTF? This is the same whack job who was deported in chains from Thailand and flown back to the US because he claimed he'd killed JonBenet Ramsey. Remember? Fast forward 18 months or so and now he lands in court in Atlanta due to some kind of dust-up with his father...a fight or something. Charges dropped. But in court, this weirdo is sitting next to his 22 year old girlfriend, who's actually not bad looking and who appears normal, not a fat tub of lard or anything. Can someone explain to me how this strange little 42 year old fuck merits 22 year old poontang? Particularly when I'm not getting any of it?

I don't understand.

/banging head on desk....


At 10:19 PM, Blogger Chalice said...

She may be cute but I am sure in this case the whole "Looks can be deceiving" thing really applies here. Gotta be a complete and total nutbag...

At 9:26 PM, Blogger Infantry Dad said...

One word comes to mind.

Or is that two words?
Ah hell now I got a quandry on my hands.

At 10:04 AM, Blogger Blue Sky Hunter said...

Can you blame her? Dude's a stud.

At 11:16 AM, Blogger La Sirena said...

I saw them on ET or extra or somesuch swill and they were cooing and caressing. Then I blacked out.

She's definitely a nut job. She had the weird wide-eyed stare that says, "Don't tell the aliens I stopped taking my meds."


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