Friday, March 14, 2008

Avert thy gaze, ye of weak stomach!

I've often wondered about "firsts". And of course, every Jerry Seinfeld wanna-be comedian/blogger leverages that to the hilt. You know the drill: "Who was the first person to go up to a cow's teat and say, 'hey, that looks yummy...let me suck on that for awhile!' What's up with that?" And the audience laughs.

Today I'm interested in this photo. When d'ya think this guy first discovered he could do this? What must it have been like, the first time he did it and looked in a mirror? Blecch, as they used to say in Mad magazine....


At 11:29 PM, Blogger We sing we dance we steal things said...

I've done that before, but only while tripping on hallucinogenic. Right on.


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