Our holiday party gift exchange
Christmas Crap (because as Andy Williams famously reminds us annually, "It's the most...wonderful timmme of the year!")
funeral home "Holiday" party is December 14th, and we're doing that silly
Dirty Santa game where you claim other people's presents.
Dirty Santa,
Dirty Sanchez, whatever. All I know is we're to bring an item worth $20 for the big holiday gift swap.
I'm bringing something that'll fuck with people and also
piss 'em off. No surprise there, eh?
Fake lottery tickets. They look just like the real thing, and
each douche nozzle who gets one of these scratch offs
thinks they've really won $20,000. Hours of fun at parties, and I'm hoping a few fist-fights will break out. Plus maybe if I play my cards (or tickets) right I can spend
20--30 seconds with Carmella from casket receiving?
I really don't get into the office Christmas shit. They have one coming up at work...they do it at a Chinese buffet at lunch. Kinda odd. I'm gonna suggest a big, Group Dirty Sanchez instead ;-)
Ask Carmella if she can help you with your Cincinnati Bowtie.
Better bring some mistletoe, too.
Q: Have you ever done it in a coffin?
Fake lottery tickets would piss me off. I hate Pollyanna gifting.
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