Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Fun at the D.O.T

For once...a "nice" post.

Regarding the D.O.T--can you believe it?

Next Friday, 2/1, is my 50th birthday and I had to renew my driver's license. Normally, this is about as much fun as having Dr. Dental Death perform a root canal with a blow torch. But this time it was different. Why? Three big reasons:
  1. Unlike previous, painful years, I had a strategy: I chose a pretty much rural state outpost to do the renewal. 37 miles from my house but WAY better than dealing with downtown. Big modern building, big modern clean license renewal waiting room, no one there except me and maybe three other people. Empty. I got called up to the window so fast, I hadn't even managed to complete filling out the renewal application details.
  2. Non-surly government employee behind the counter. A nice, middle-aged woman who moved slowly and easily. She actually interrupted the process to take a phone call allowing her to order lunch. She wanted an egg and mayo sandwich on white bread -- I liked here ordering style, which I could overhear because the place was so empty ("none of this wheat shit, y'heah?")!
  3. All the computers worked and bingo bango bongo, that made a mega-shmega difference.
Total time spent there, from the moment I walked through the door to the moment I was back in the car, new license (with updated, supremely ugly photo included): 13 minutes. I kid you not.


At 5:29 PM, Blogger Constance said...

13 minutes at the DMV ? That is definitely cause for celebration, Nigel !

And Happy Upcoming 50th birthday on Friday the 1st !

I, for one, am glad you did not croak last year :)

I still read that comment you left me. Every time I feel sorry for myself, it picks me up and the bad feelinggoes away. You're better than an upper :)

See, you crusty old curmudgeon, you did a good deed that keeps on ticking, much like the energizer bunny.

If you make it to age 51, I'll have phone sex with you. Once :)

At 7:38 PM, Blogger Carlos said...

I renewed last year (45). I thought about going to a place near work, in a small town, but opted for the small place in town. I waited for 40 minutes. Lotsa scumbags at that office. Everyone appeared to have been wearing deodorant, so I suppose it could have been worse.

At 10:48 AM, Blogger reneegrrrrrrrr said...

Happy Birthday to you!!!

Wow, fifty, you're gonna be old ;)

I understand going to the out of the way places. I did the same for my passport, my nephew and I were the only two non-employees in the old school building. I hate lines!!!

At 8:49 PM, Blogger Twit said...

Egg & mayo on white... Mmmmmmmm.

Life is good.

At 10:19 PM, Blogger doctor chip said...


...did you uh...

... um, ya know...

BOFF the bimbo?

ooh, I HOPE so.


Happy Birthday, my friend!





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