Sunday, May 11, 2008

Deunk and disgusgting.

Here'a the stream of consciousness whilst under the influence of alcohol, unedited. Take it for what it's worth a la a goddamm science experiment:
  • Ok, I made it home, drunk, but not so bad that I couldn'r pass the guccjls= test that the basteards make u take./ I'm ok.
  • Missing eevverthing. huigngry. Wanna eat saome meat. How abojt sausages?
  • Yup. how about sausages. Need to eget a woman to want to eat sausages with me. how to mkae thanHappen? I dunnko.
  • lgja;kg;kneed another beer ot towo. maybae three.
  • I have apologizws ro rhrat woman who thinks i love her but I make her disgusted bwinf around hwer so it' s wasy to see why she finda me grotesque. I do.
  • once again touch tupring destroys mu abiluty to do any fofggggammm thing. I hare that, don't uou.?
Therer you have the Nigel I am Drunk off my ass post, for all you hastards to sseee. eat me, and buff my scrotum if you arnelt happy with that. let;s have a fucjing beer.


At 11:10 PM, Blogger changapeluda said...

i feel you, man,
oh do i feeeel you

I, too WANT a Sausage!

(& somebody to love me/eat it with)


At 6:25 AM, Blogger Carlos said...

Everyone needs someone with whom they can dine on sausage.

At 10:45 AM, Blogger Deech said...


I am sorry I missed this. This is awesome! I am going to have to do this one night just to see how it turns out.



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