Monday, August 04, 2008

Please read this

Those of you who know me from this blog will be surprised, perhaps, at this post. But I implore you to take as much time as needed to read this article:

It's the true story of a little girl in Tampa who was "raised" without so much as any kind of human contact at all , didn't know how to play with toys, couldn't talk, couldn't do anything-- found by Child Protective Services weighing something like 46 pounds in conditions so deplorable that one of the first investigating officers had to leave the house upon entering to throw up in the front yard -- then how she was adopted by an amazing family who already had their own special needs kid (who, you'll learn, is an incredible little man in his own right).

My description here cannot do the story justice.
Make sure you check out the multi-media features included as they give you more insight into this tale of human tragedy and hopefully, eventually, maybe, human triumph.

I'm a crumpled, weeping mess right now, and you will be, too, once you're done reading.


At 7:29 PM, Blogger Nigel St.John Regina Smegmatica Howle-Raines said...

Annie, you're so right. I have been haunted by this all day long. Tears running down my cheeks, literally all day, I can't tell you. makes you thankful for the least tiny little bit of anything you get in your life. Poor, poor little girl. The absolute total worst...

At 6:12 AM, Blogger Carlos said...

The depravity of man never ceases to amaze me. If there was a God, this kind of shit wouldn't happen.

I only read about half of the story because I need to get ready for work, but I'll read the rest this afternoon.

At 9:30 AM, Blogger Karen said...

yep, I'm bawling my eyes out. Can't believe the mother only got probation. The depravity of some "humans" really just defies comprehension.

Today happens to be my son's 16th birthday, and I've been feeling old and useless since I woke up. I always worry that I haven't done enough for him, that I should be giving him a better life. But maybe - just maybe - I'm not as bad as I think...

At 12:30 PM, Blogger Deech said...

I am not surprised. I am also not surprised at the sentence...probation...yeah, that seems fair.

Lets take this case to the Star Chamber shall we?


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